The word "tattoo" derived from the Tahitian word "tatau", which means "to mark something". Though it may not be known to many, the art of tattooing started over 5,000 years ago. Most people who get tattoos use them to express themselves. Its a way to symbolize and identify yourself with something that will be there forever. However, while most people look at tattoos as just a form of body art, others have more negative views on tattoos. There are certain jobs that wont even allow you to apply if you have visible tattoos. The controversy behind the meaning and purpose of tattoos goes on constantly, with valid points on each side. I chose to do this topic because I'm interested in tattoo art myself, and plan on getting more of them in the future.
- Do you think it's fair for jobs to make no visible tattoos a requirement?
-Why do you think this is a regulation?
- Do you think tattoos should be viewed as a form of art?